Monday, December 21, 2009

Toothless wonder...

Well, on Friday Jacob finally let me pull it out. His tooth that is!! It wasn't even connected and he balked at the last second and pulled away from me. I had a hold of the tooth though, so he really pulled it out himself! He didn't even realize that it was gone because he said "OK mom, I'm really ready this time." When I showed him the tooth that was already in my hand, his eyes got big and wide and he said, totally surprised, "that didn't hurt at all!!" The tooth fairy, with a big reminder from her husband, slipped him a dollar that night. Today he spent his dollar on Bubulicious Gum. I think it's a conspiracy on his part. Buy sugary gum so more teeth will fall out, so that tooth fairy will bring more money. It might just work as his other bottom front tooth is loose too. Hmmmm... with my luck it'll come out on Christmas Eve and I will be without a dollar! I better stash one away so that can't happen!

Last week we woke to a thick, thick, fog. You couldn't see anything past the grass in our front yard! It still hadn't burned off completely when at 11am I went to pick Jaden up from school. I got him loaded and buckled into the car (no small feat mind you!), when he starts yelling excitedly something about the moon. I couldn't understand him at all at first, mostly because he was so excited that he was squawking at a pitch high enough to shatter glass! He finally calmed down enough to shout it loudly, but within human ear range instead of hummingbird range, "It's a moonhole!" It was the sun. The fog and low clouds were so thick that you could look at the sun direct and it just looked like there was a full moon out visible in the day time. I'm sure he actually meant "whole moon/ Full moon" as he tells us "half moon" or "quarter moon" as appropriate, but that didn't stop Daddy from posting "moonhole" as the "Word Of The Day" at work. As in "Quit being a moonhole!"

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Gladi-bone-spidey-soldier-jedi man!

Gladi-bone-spidey-soldier-jedi man is Jaden's new name. Anybody want to guess why? Last night, Kaylee took Jacob and Jaden upstairs to play to get them out of my hair while I cooked dinner for the crew. About 15 minutes later, I hear yelling and screaming coming from Jacob and Kaylee and fierce "growling" coming from Jaden. What in the world is going on up there? I head up to see what the ruckus is all about. I am hoping for no blood at this point. I walk in to Jaden and Jacob's room and see only Jaden standing there. He is wearing dress up clothes; army camo pants, a gladiator breastplate, a skeleton glove, a Spiderman mask, and he is brandishing up in the air a Star Wars light saber. I look at him and say "nice dress ups , bud" and immediately I hear, "mom help us!" coming from the closet. Jacob and Kaylee are being held at saber point in the closet. Jaden chased them there with his "deadly" hard plastic light saber and was holding them as prisoners with a few well placed smacks with the Jedi weapon of choice when they tried to leave. Yes. A three year old trapped a 5 and 10 year old in the closet and was a talented enough guard to keep both of them pinned. Do I really want to know what he is going to be like at 9 or 10?

Where has the time gone?

So much for my goal of writing at least every 2 weeks! It's been a month since the last post and, oh boy, what a month!! Literally. I do mean, oh boy. As in "oh boy, yes it's a boy!" It seems statistics are working against adding a girl to the Hutcherson bunch! He is beautiful though, gotta love the 3-D ultrasounds that they can do these days!! Everything looks good with him. Nice strong heart and measuring just fine for our estimated, "best guess" due date! I am feeling a bit better, for which I am truly grateful! I was not looking forward to 7-9 months of morning sickness that I have had in the past. I have stopped the weight slide that seems to plague me. I know, how fair is that? The one time in my life that I can lose weight easily and quickly and it's not good for me or the baby! I am doing ok health wise. There is a slight problem in that area, but its TMI, so I won't go there. Don't want that floating around in cyberspace! If you just HAVE to know or it'll send you to the loony bin, you can call me and I will fill you in. Not a big deal, just a situation that has potential for bad things. The only good thing about it is that I am limited to 30 pounds of lifting, so... guess what Jaden? You are 30.2 pounds! Time for you to WALK! I am 22 weeks today, only 18 more to go! And before you ask, we have NO idea on names for him yet! Any ideas?
Other things of very great importance and impact on our family have happened this month too. As of November 23rd, Bryan is the command of W company in the 266th Battalion of the 23rd Quartermaster Brigade... or something like that! All I know for sure is that it means very long, tiring hours for poor Bryan. 18 hour work days, 6 days a week, plus work on Sunday no matter how hard he tries to avoid it! He is going to be a great commander though and I am hoping that things will settle down really soon and bring things back to a sustainable work load for him.

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