Well, in other non-snow related news this week, we found 3 things out at our ultrasound this week. One, it is undeniably a B-O-Y! The "turtle" shot was very clear. Two, the problem that we were most concerned with has resolved itself (YES!! No automatic c-section for this girl!!). And three, the baby is really, really flexible. He is currently frank breech, which means he is headed out bum first. His legs are straight and his feet are up by his head. It's still early enough that it isn't a big deal for him to be breech, so we are trying not to worry too much about that.
Jaden has done his share of keeping my mind off of it with his antics. Yesterday, he came running into the kitchen with his snow/ski hat pulled down to his chin. He says "momma, loo*click* me, loo*click* me!" I look and he is swinging his head back and forth and saying, "AHHHHH!!! Can't see! AHHHHHHH!!!!" Silly Jaden! I told him to be careful of the counter edge. He was too close and it would hit him right in the face if he swung his head too far to the right. He peeks with one eye out from under the hat and says, "Whoa, TOOO close!" So he scoots himself over into the middle of the kitchen and really goes to town swinging his whole body back and forth, "AHHHHH!!! Can't see! AHHHHHHH!!!!" I notice he is slowly scooting himself over to one side and I warn him, "be careful my blind Jaden!!" Just about then, he bumps into the recycles can that I keep in the kitchen. It was cartoonishly funny. He fell, bum first into the can, legs went straight up, knees to his still covered in a hat nose and his hands went out behind him trying to keep the can from falling backwards. He was so stuck. He scared himself so badly and was crying. He couldn't get the hat off without his hands and they were busy. Trying not to laugh at him, I helped him out of the can and I say "Maybe we shouldn't do that anymore" and he says, "Nooooooo! Neder (never), eder (ever) adin (again)!" I guess both of my little guys are very flexible!!