Sunday, June 5, 2011

Snaggletooth Bumble Bees Rock!

Well, it seems poor Grayson has a really tough time with teething. When you can see the tooth through the gum and in any other baby would be able to say that the tooth will break through in the next 2 days or less.... well, let's just say that you need to push that estimate upward by a week or two... or six! He has had all four of the front teeth (2 top, 2 bottom) that you could SEE the tooth clearly for weeks and weeks. He finally broke through a tooth on the bottom. Two weeks later, the second bottom tooth finally made an appearance. We thought the top two teeth would be close behind. And we were right. Sort of. One of the top front teeth broke through last week, a month after the bottom ones. Today he was fussing and crying and he bit me! I checked his mouth and guess what? We have 4 teeth!! Just not the ones we expected. It seems that the tooth in the top front isn't ready to come out and play yet, but its neighbor is! Our little snaggletooth looks like a jack-o-lantern with 2 bottom teeth, crooked as all get out, a top front tooth then an open space then another tooth. Beeeeuuutiful smile, Babes!

Some help please. For weeks now, Jaden has been talking about the "Bumble Bee Place" and how badly he wants to go there. We cannot figure out what in the world he is talking about. All he can tell us about it is that "its far away from my far far friend's house. And I want to go there. And it has tools and wood and thin wood that I can cut. And I want to go there bad!" And before you ask, it's NOT Home Depot (even though with all the unwanted renovations going on currently at the Hutcherson castle, Home Depot has become our most frequented store and second home). He's obsessed. He asks if we are going to the Bumble Bee Place at least six times a day. It has gotten really bad. He is clearly frustrated with Bryan and I as we can't figure out what he is talking about. It just breaks my heart to see the disappointment that is clearly evident on his face when I tell him no, not today. Any ideas??


Cecile said...

Sounds like Grayson is taking after Bryan in the tooth department. All my kids were slow with the teeth.
Sure wish I knew where the Bumble Bees were...Jaden keep working on this. Maybe you can come up with a really good clue.

Dallas, Dad, Big D & I said...

The only thing I can think of is carpenter bees who dig into wood, has he seen that somewhere? Regarding Grayson's tooth thing, I recommend more ice cream for the parents! Ha!

Heidi said...

Hmmm...has he seen Transformers? The yellow transformer is called Bumble Bee, and every time my kids see a yellow car that resembles him...they yell out "Bumble Bee!"

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