Sunday, September 20, 2009

And You're OUT!!

This morning Jaden made me just crack up! He is pretty well potty trained, but if you don't take off his "night-time diaper" right away, then he'll just use it instead of going to all the trouble to use the potty. This morning I didn't get to him fast enough to change him into underwear and so he was poopy. I took the diaper off and cleaned him all up. Now, the thing with Jaden and diapers is that he really and truly believes that they are HIS. When I change him, he HAS to be the one to carry the diaper to throw away. Most of the time that is just great, but stinky ones.... well, they go straight out to the outside trash and he has a hard time getting the back door open. I tried to get him to let me take it out this morning, but he INSISTED. So I told him, "Jaden that one is soooo stinky that it needs to go out to the blue garbage can outside." He looks at me and says "-i*click* own?" (Jadenese translation: "The big one?") "Yes," I said, "the big one out in the back yard." Jaden said, ""o-tay!" and headed out of the room. As he goes around the corner to head downstairs I hear, "tin*click*y i-a-per, oow ouda ear!!" (translation: "Stinky Diaper, you're outta here!!"

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