Things have been CRAZY busy here lately! The kids all have been taking swimming lessons and doing very well considering that it is their first time. Jaden has a new walker and is so very mobile in it. He loves crusin' around! He is also getting his first tooth! It is almost through and I expect it'll be in either tomorrow or the next day. He and Jake have had their first fight too. Jake had a toy car and was playing on the floor by Jaden and he set the car down between his legs to do grab another nearby toy (a superman I think) and Jaden was real quick and grabbed the car. Jake of course yelled at him and took it back. Jaden moved on and grabbed the superman and Jake again yelled at him and tried to grab it back. Jaden wasn't going to be pushed around again and he held on. He and Jake both had the toy and Jaden starts screeching. He yelled and you could tell he was mad! Jake was so surprised he let go! The fight goes to the 10 month old! Jacob has also been doing really good. He has decided that he really likes books. He used to have the attention span of a gnat and would only sit still for a few pages. Now he's on the attention span level of a goldfish and will sit for 2 or 3 books at a time! He likes to be read to which is great, of course! Ethan is doing well. He is starting to read more each day and he is finally starting to get over the whinny thing he picked up when Bryan left. It has helped that we made him a poster of a race track and every day that he is good he gets a race car sticker to put on it. Kaylee is growing... again. I think she's gained an inch in the last month and its all leg! She has been bugging me to cut her hair again. She wants to go real short this time, a little pixie cut. I think she'll be ADORABLE, but I want to make sure that she is really sure that's what she wants to do. It's shorter that anything she's had before. It would be just at 10 inches off if we go through with it. Just long enough to donate! She's been reading a lot lately. i am trying very hard to get them all to the library once a week, but it just doesn't happen. I have been busy trying to keep up with them all and in the few minutes of spare time that I do have, I have been trying to get the video we made for Father's day onto the blog. Its having problems and today I looked at it and said, "you know, I've spend well over 12 hours trying to get this thing to work and that could have been at least 24 new posts for Bryan... " Hence the new post!
Go Jaden! Get your screetch on!
I miss not being able to watch my babies grow up. I missed all of Jacob's 1st year, and most of Jaden's 1st year. Also, a lot of Kaylee's 1st year due to Basic Training and AIT.
I live for this! I just love your writing Stacy. It brings the kids much closer. I can hardly wait to see you all soon. Keep the blogs coming and I pray you have the time to get the movie done too.
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